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Legal notice

In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004, regarding confidence in the digital economy, users and visitors of the Domaine de Camboyer website are hereby informed of the following legal notices, which include the identities of the parties involved in the creation and maintenance of the website.


The website, accessible at https://domainedecamboyer.com/ is published by:

registered with the R.C.S. of CARCASSONNE under the number RCS Carcassonne A 529 175 689,
with its headquarters at Domaine de Camboyer, 11320 MONTFERRAND, FRANCE, 
represented by Isabelle Darmau, duly authorized.

The publisher’s VAT number is: FR53529175689.

The site’s publishing director is Isabelle Darmau.


By phone : +33 4 48 49 01 76
By email : contact@domainedecamboyer.com
By mail : Domaine de Camboyer, 11320 Montferrand, France


The website is hosted by OVH SAS, located at 2 rue Kellermann – BP 80157 – 59053 Roubaix Cedex 1, (contact by phone or email: 1007).


This website was developed by:

  • ALEXANDRE BELLARD, Auto-entrepreneur,

N° SIRET :82476931900016

The website was designed and conceived by:

  • ELISA VILLARET, Auto-entrepreneur,
N° SIRET : 83779386800014.

Logo and visual identity credits:

  • CAMILLE PERLUETTE, Art Direction & Graphic Design Micro-Enterprise,
    SIRET: 91842406000013.

Illustrations credits:

  • MARINE PISTEUR, Artist-Author,
    SIRET: 94930744100012.

Video credits:

  • YES PRODUCTION – https://www.yesproduction.fr/

Photo credits:

If any credit seems missing or incorrect, we apologize and kindly ask you to contact us at the following address for correction or completion: contact@domainedecamboyer.com

Intellectual Property

All elements and content on the website and its social media accounts are subject to French and international copyright and intellectual property laws.
Visual, audio, textual, and technological elements, including layouts, photos, videos, databases, and more, are owned by Domaine de Camboyer or authorized third parties.
Any representation, reproduction, or partial or total exploitation of these distinctive elements, including downloadable documents and iconographic or photographic representations, is prohibited and constitutes trademark infringement under the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code.
Trademarks mentioned are registered by their respective owners.
Unauthorized use may lead to legal proceedings.


We remind users that the content of this website may contain inaccuracies or omissions.
Domaine de Camboyer reserves the right to correct or modify the content of this site at any time, without notice.
Domaine de Camboyer declines any responsibility for delays in updates, or in the event of temporary service interruptions or unavailability.

If you notice a broken link, omission, or error, please accept our apologies and feel free to contact us at: contact@domainedecamboyer.com



The user acknowledges having the necessary skills and resources to access and use this site. Domaine de Camboyer cannot be held responsible for elements and events beyond its control related to the use of the site, their effects, or any hardware and/or software incompatibilities that may result in damage to the user’s technical environment, including computers, software, network equipment, or other devices used to access the service.
It is reminded that unauthorized access, tampering, or fraudulently altering data within a computer system is a criminal offense punishable by law.

Personal Data

The processing of your personal data is governed by our Privacy Policy, available in the “Personal Data Protection Charter” section, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (GDPR).